Today I set out for breakfast and grocery shopping with my two children (R, 1; X, 3.9) and my housemate's daughter (A, 5). I loaded the kids in the cargo bike. Got all three helmets on, the 1 and 5 year-old buckled in the bench seat and my 3.9-year old seated safely in front. I had the grocery bags tucked in and we were ready to go. I was pretty proud of myself and my kids. Everyone was in a pretty good mood and getting hungry. We made it to New Seasons, parked the bike and got everyone out. As I was removing their helmets, I noticed, I had nothing on my own head. Oops.. FAIL NUMBER 1. Next time, remember my own helmet as well as the children's. We completed our breakfast and shopping and then the puzzle of how to fit 3 grocery bags into the bike with the 3 kids. One bag was only about half full, so that got tucked under the bench seat. I had R & A squish together a bit and got one bag on the bench seat next to them. Then I sat one bag next to X in the cargo part. SUCCESS! Next time, I think I"ll bring my paniers with just in case I need that extra space. Or, consider getting a rear seat so that I can put one kid in back and leave the cargo area for stuff. I then pedaled home to the sound of the kids shouting "faster, faster" in glee. Not a bad morning!

After lunch, we decided to head to the park. While it's only about a half mile away, we had added 2 more children to the pack and one more adult (children were 5 months and 8 years). A is not into walking very far, but luckily X just learned to ride his pedal bike in the last month and is getting quite confident! So we took A & R in the double stroller, mostly pushed by the 8-yr-old. And then another stroller for the baby. Between the 2 adults, we safely walked the 1/2 mile. I acted as crossing guard at the intersections. We kept the bike in front (and he was quite good I must say at stopping well ahead of the corner and waiting for us to catch up), then the stroller pushed by the 8-yr-old, rounded up by the other adult and baby. I'm sure we were quite a scene to see at each intersection... there are 2 decent ones on the way there, one stop sign and one stop light.

Lessons learned for the day:
1. Always remember my helmet as well as the children's
2. Remember to snap photos if I'm going to do this blog thing! ... next time I promise some good photos:)

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    I am a 30-something single mom of 2 children. I left my husband when I was about 2 months pregnant with my second child. I was car free until I was put on bed rest, and got lazy after the baby came. I now have the kick-start I need to try the car free lifestyle once and for all! Follow me as I challenge myself for one year - if I make and succeed, I will use my insurance money to reward myself with a trip to Europe.


    July 2013

